What's Happening:
Multiple elementary schools in the Highlands Ranch area are experiencing declining enrollment. As such, the district is considering pairing up six elementary schools which would result in the closure of up to three schools.
If you work at one of the affected schools, you have likely heard a lot about this. However, it has come to our attention that many staff and residents in other parts of the county are unaware of this situation and have not been briefed on the impact this will have on all of us.
The Board of Education published proposed policies on school closures, consolidations, and relocations to their website ahead of their January 14th meeting. After reviewing these proposals, we are concerned that the District is establishing a school closure procedure that will apply to the entire county but are only currently working with HR community members because they will be first affected. Population in Douglas County is declining and it is likely that DCSD will need to pursue additional closures in the coming years. This means that all of us should have a say in how these closures happen and how publicly owned school buildings will be used thereafter.
Why This Matters to All Teachers, Staff and Residents in DCSD:
It is important to recognize that this school closure process in Highlands Ranch will set a precedent for handling declining enrollment in any part of DCSD. Right now, the district has stated in official staff communication that “NO staff member will lose their paycheck or benefits because of this pairing process so long as they want a commensurate position in DCSD. This guarantee applies to every staff member in the building.” DCF leaders are working to make sure this is the case and that affected teachers and staff are taken care of during this process. So far, this statement has not been enshrined in any written plan. The proposed policies do not currently reference the existing Reduction in Force (layoff) policy-- this has DCF leaders concerned. DCSD can't afford to lose anyone right now given the statewide educator shortage. Additionally, the proposed policies do not offer much insight on how closed school buildings will be used in the future, or perhaps even sold. Douglas County residents deserve a voice in these decisions-- they live next to these buildings and changes could affect property value. It is clear DCF and community groups need to be part of the planning to guarantee existing policies are properly followed and long term plans are developed to answer all of these questions.
Why We Are Hosting a Community Forum:
In the short term, it is important we, employees and residents in Douglas County, demand a voice in school closure decision making and plan development. The Board is scheduled to hear public comment and hold a vote on these policies on January 28th. It is our intention to solicit feedback from educators and community members at our forum on January 26th to bring to the board meeting. This is also an incredible opportunity to partner with community groups to provide the best outcomes for DCSD students and their families.
What You Need to Do:
Please register to attend our Zoom community forum. It is important that we pack the virtual room so that we can invite school board members and the press to hear your concerns. Please also consider sharing this email far and wide with your colleagues and friends. This forum is open to anyone in Douglas County. The more participants, the better.